Policy in Plainer English

Care Navigator

Helen Labun Season 3 Episode 5

We continue our discussion of care coordination with Jodi Frei, of OneCare Vermont, and Patrick Clark, of Gifford Medical Center, and take a deep dive on a particular platform: Care Navigator.

Care Navigator is part of a larger approach to Care Coordination at OneCare, and there's a lot of information if you want to learn more about it.

The patient programs section of the OneCare website provides an overview of their care coordination work, including a chart showing what constitutes high / very high risk medically complex patients.

The 2019 Annual Report explains how care coordination fits into the overall OneCare goals and provides some data on how it is working in Vermont.

And, of course, there's always this podcast's Season One: Welcome to Payment Reform if you want to learn more about the overall ACO model (not specific to OneCare Vermont).

If you listen to this episode and come away wondering "what are the legal obligations around HIPAA and patient privacy related to online platforms for sharing health information?" then may we suggest a recent National Consortium of Telehealth Resource Centers webinar on this topic? This webinar is part of a telehealth series, but it's illuminating and will renew your appreciation for the complexities of building workable tech tools in health care. 

If you want to join the line of people who have stepped forward to inform me that 10 is an arbitrary number of people to play backyard football and that a real football match requires 11 on a side, then fine - this is why Patrick didn't want to say sport analogies on tape. As a former rugby player, I feel that the ideal number of players to field on a team is 15.